What we still don't understand about Hizbollah- "This week, world terrorism expert Robert Pape will share with the FBI the findings of his remarkable study of 462 suicide bombings. He concludes that such acts have little to do with religious extremism and that the West must engage politically to halt the relentless slaughter...."
"In terms of structure and hierarchy, it is less comparable with, say, a religious cult such as the Taliban than to the multi-dimensional American civil rights movement of the 1960s."
FEMME MENTALE - San Francisco neuropsychiatrist says differences between women's and men's brains are very real, and the sooner we all understand it, the better
- While I disagree with the evolutionary perspective of this article, there are a few noteworthy quotes, e.g.:
"So the next time parents scold their daughters for excessive text messaging, consider Brizendine's neurological explanation:
'Connecting through talking activates the pleasure centers in a girl's brain. We're not talking about a small amount of pleasure. This is huge. It's a major dopamine and oxytocin rush, which is the biggest, fattest neurological reward you can get outside of an orgasm.'"
Bikers' 'open pipes' disturb communities - a USA Today Opinion piece
- I couldn't agree more with this piece; Riding a motorcycle is one thing, but disturbing the peace with noise pollution is totally unacceptable.
The View-Point addressed this issue way back in June 2005:
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