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Friday, June 23, 2006


News: Forcing Athletes Off Facebook

Forcing Athletes Off Facebook

"Laing Kennedy, the university’s athletics director, told The Columbus Dispatch that the Facebook ban was intended, at least in part, to prevent students from being contacted by strangers (or, worse yet, sports agents). In that case, why not just ask students to delete phone and e-mail information from their profiles? As Mr. Kennedy said, Kent State is also trying to protect its own reputation: Pictures of hazing and underage drinking aren’t exactly good news for athletics programs."

Oh, I see, instead of trying to address the problems of hazing and drinking, the response of Kent State is to cover-up the facts of the situation, to hide them from the prying eyes of the public. What an unprincipled stance.



"Officials at Kent State University have backed off on a plan to ban student athletes from creating profiles on Facebook..."
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