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Thursday, June 23, 2005


Commentary: TUNNEL RAGE

WARNING: The following is a [RANT]


Why do certain people fear large, dark holes in the side of a mountain? Despite the signs that say "Maintain speed thru tunnel," 90% of the drivers traveling thru the Squirrel Hill tunnel for some inexplicable reason feel the need to slam on the brakes and decelerate from 60mph to 25mph in 5 seconds.

As if this weren't enough, at the very point where the proverbial light at the end of the tunnel is visible, some drivers still feel the need to slow down yet again. Perhaps there is a large monster lurking just outside of the exit-mouth of the tunnel, waiting to pounce on your car as you drive out...

I just don't get it. Seems to me that if you're afraid of tunnels, you'd want to go as fast as possible to get the heck outta there...


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