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Saturday, May 24, 2003

Some bad Shiite... - Kirkuk Elections End in Shouting Matches
"...The balloting Saturday in Kirkuk took into account the ethnic divide. Thirty-nine U.S.-approved electors from each of the city's main ethnic groups — Kurds, Arabs, ethnic Turks and Christians — voted for six council members from their ethnic group...."

Ah, the trials and tribulations of setting up a phoney-baloney government in a country where the majority of citizens most likely have never lived under or experienced any kind of real democracy. The amount of racial tension that exists in Iraq should be enough to put to shame any critics who feel American has serious race or ethic troubles...

As was the 7-year rebuilding of Japan after World War II, I would expect that things will not be very easy in the rebuilding of Iraq. Maybe we should teach the Iraqis a little something about life in a democracy by sending them "The Simpsons" TV show. After all, who could think of Homer as an infidel? D'oh!

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