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Tuesday, July 31, 2007


'Savage Nation' Preempted by Baseball - Alternative Listening Options

Michael Savage fans in Pittsburgh, PA are steaming over the frequent preemption of "The Savage Nation" by Pittsburgh Pirates baseball. While listeners in the 'burgh are fortunate enough to have a FM News/Talk station that carries the program (8-11pm Eastern) in all of its stereophonic glory, 104.7FM, as of this summer, is now a Sports/News/Talk station, carrying each and every Pirates game of their (loosing) season. The unfortunate result is that serious discussion of national and international issues is being preempted by the frivolous and trivial distraction of baseball.

While I am not a baseball fan (Cricket is much more interesting), my objection is on the philosophical ground that discussion of serious issues should take precedent over sports, diversions, and other forms of entertainment. It is all the more insulting that the Pirates, despite having the most beautiful (tax-payer financed) stadium in the country, are a poor team with a terrible win/loss record.

So what other listening options are out there for Pittsburgh fans of The Savage Nation?

(Originally Posted: 6/1/2007 @ 11:50PM)


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